The Surrey Artists Network was launched in 2009 and quickly grew into a crucial resource for artists in Surrey. Hundreds of Surrey artists started using it for asking for advice, advertising classes, critiquing work, and generally staying in touch.
Ten years later and the network had over 2000 members, but to keep up with the way people now live in the online world (see below), the network has evolved into a blog for Surrey Artists with a weekly email digest and feed to social media.
Sign up to receive the weekly digest above. We do not use these details for any other purposes, and do not pass them on to any third party.
Where is the old network? Why has it changed to a blog?
When the network was launched in 2009, social networking was in its infancy and most networks were on stand-alone websites that you would log in to individually. Nowadays, mainstream networks such as Facebook are part of everyday life and the desire to log in to a multitude of separate networks just isn't there. As a result, activity on the Surrey Artists Network dwindled, despite the artist community continuing to thrive.
So, something had to change. The one channel that remains at the forefront of communication is email, and so the network has been replaced with a weekly blog digest of news, events, offers, and general information.
With over 2000 members, the old network was expensive to run. In the past, this was covered by advertising and sponsorship, but that dwindled with the activity.
Now, as a blog, anyone can submit a blog to promote your event, classes, exhibitions, special offers, etc., but there will be a small charge - but remember, this advertising goes to a lot of Surrey artists - a very specialist audience at a cost of less than a penny per person.