from Jackie Edwards.
I am holding UK Artists and Designer Makers Markets in the above locations outside in the High Streets. The first one was very successful in Farnham last October and this year we will be holding a trial one in Guildford and two in Epsom, plus returning to Farnham for two this year.
I would like to offer this opportunity to any artists/designer-makers who wish to sell their work in these areas. Ideally you will have your own gazebo (3mtrs x 3 mtrs) but in Epsom & Farnham there is an opportunity to hire one. Stalls can be shared by more than one artist/maker. The markets are a partnership with the local councils and will be advertised extensively.
The cost is £45 per pitch and the dates are
- May 23rd Farnham
- May 30th Epsom
- July 4th Guildford
- October 24th Farnham
- October 31st Epsom
My background is 7 years running Art Markets, 14 years working with the 'a' space arts organisation and 4 1/2 years with an Art Gallery. For further information on these events and myself email