from New House Art Space.

‘Looking Out, Looking In’ is a celebration of the works of our resident artists and our way of saying hello to the community of Guildford and beyond.
Many of the works in the show highlight the act of looking, noticing, and feeling as integral to how artists live and make work. Whether that be looking out into the world, or into oneself, something that is becoming increasingly pertinent in these times of social isolation.
There will be a rich variety of practices on display that range from paintings to photography, video, bargello needlework, shoe designs and much much more! Establishing New House and the Davies Gilder Gallery as a space where everyone can look forward to events and exhibitions which we plan to hold throughout the year
Show Opening: 7-10pm Friday 4th February 2022
Exhibition Dates: Saturday 5th February - Sunday 6th March
Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 9-5pm Weekends: 12-4pm
Location: New House, Bedford Road, Guildford, GU1 4SJ
Tickets for exhibition launch event:
About New House:
New House is a brand-new creative hub in the heart of Guildford where like-minded individuals, groups and organisations can share spaces and ideas. There are 20 artist studios as well as the Davies Gilder Gallery which is located on the ground floor. Our ethos is to create an inspiring & inclusive space for all to be creative and grow their artistic disciplines and businesses.
Facebook: @newhouseartspace
Instagram: @newhouseartspace